Constructor of S3 objects of class PAM_CS
- Species
(numeric) species name. Default = NA.
- Sites_cells
(numeric) number of sites or cells. Default = NA.
- Beta_W
(numeric) value of Whittaker's Beta. Default = NA.
- Spearman_cor
(numeric) value of Spearman's correlation. Default = NA.
- Theoretical_boundaries
list of theoretical boundaries for the values. Default = NA.
- Richness_normalized
(numeric) values of normalized richness. Default = NA.
- Dispersion_field_normalized
(numeric) values of normalized dispersion field. Default = NA.
- S_significance_id
(numeric) values indicating statistical significance of the normalized dispersion field. Default = NA.
- Randomized_DF
matrix of values resulted from randomizing matrices. Default = NA.