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Sample one or more points from a two dimensional environmental space according to a selection rule and with the possibility of having distinct sets of points to be sampled independently.


point_sample(data, variable_1, variable_2, n = 1,
             select_point = "E_centroid", id_column = NULL)



matrix or data.frame that contains at least four columns: "Longitude" and "Latitude" to represent geographic position, and two other columns to represent the variables of the 2D environmental space.


(character or numeric) name or position of the first variable (x-axis).


(character or numeric) name or position of the second variable (y-axis). Must be different from the first one.


(numeric) number of points to be selected. If id_column is defined this argument indicates the number of points per set. Default = 1.


(character) how or which point will be selected. Three options are available: "random", "E_centroid", and "G_centroid". E_ or G_ centroid indicate that the point(s) closest to the respective centroid will be selected. Default = "E_centroid".


(character or numeric) name or numeric index of the column in data containing identifiers of one or distinct sets of points. If, NULL, the default, only one set is assumed.


A data.frame containing n rows corresponding to the point or points that were sampled.


# Data
m_matrix <- read_master(system.file("extdata/m_matrix.rds",
                                    package = "biosurvey"))

# Sampling points
points_s <- point_sample(m_matrix$data_matrix,
                         variable_1 = "Max_temperature",
                         variable_2 = "Min_temperature", n = 1,
                         select_point = "E_centroid", id_column = NULL)

#>     Longitude Latitude Mean_temperature Max_temperature Min_temperature
#> 213 -114.5833 32.41667              228             410              58
#>     Annual_precipitation Prec_wettest_month Prec_driest_month       PC1
#> 213                   79                 13                 0 -1.189198
#>           PC2 id_column
#> 213 -2.713829         1