Creates a data.frame of species' references from a list of raster layers
Creates a data.frame of species' references that contains longitude, latitude, and species name, using a list of raster layers as input. Useful when raster layers have distinct extent or resolution.
- raster_list
list of SpatRaster objects. Each raster layer must be named as the species that it represents, and values in each layer must be 1 (presence) and 0 (absence).
A data.frame of species geographic records derived from values of presence in each layer from the list of raster layers.
# Data
rsp <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata/sp_layers.tif",
package = "biosurvey"))
names(rsp) <- paste0("Species_", 1:5)
rlist <- lapply(1:5, function(x) {rsp[[x]]})
# Species data from RasterStack
sp_data <- rlist_2data(raster_list = rlist)
#> Longitude Latitude Species
#> Min. :-117.05 Min. :14.65 Length:11191
#> 1st Qu.:-106.22 1st Qu.:18.98 Class :character
#> Median :-101.55 Median :22.31 Mode :character
#> Mean :-101.63 Mean :22.85
#> 3rd Qu.: -97.55 3rd Qu.:26.48
#> Max. : -86.88 Max. :32.65