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Computes dissimilarity indices for each set of selected sites contained in elements of PAM_subset that contain information of species incidence (presence-absence). Calculations are done also among sets of selected sites.


selected_sites_DI(PAM_subset, selection_type = "all", method = "jaccard",
                  verbose = TRUE, ...)



object of class PAM_subset obtained using the function subset_PAM.


type of selection to be considered when creating dissimilarity matrices for elements in PAM_subset. Options are: "all", "random", "E", "G", and "EG". The default, "all", uses all selection types present in PAM_subset.


(character) dissimilarity index to be passed to function vegdist. Default = "jaccard". See details.


(logical) whether or not to print messages about the process. Default = TRUE.


other arguments to be passed to function vegdist.


A list containing:

  • Dissimilarity matrices for all PAMs reduced based on distinct sets of selected sites.

  • A matrix summarizing incidences from all sets of selected sites.

  • A dissimilarity matrix for the summary of incidences for all sets of selected sites.

  • The result of clustering sets of selected sites based on dissimilarities.


Important details about the process performed to compute dissimilarity indices can be seen in the documentation of vegdist.


# Data
b_pam <- read_PAM(system.file("extdata/b_pam.rds",
                              package = "biosurvey"))
m_selection <- read_master(system.file("extdata/m_selection.rds",
                                       package = "biosurvey"))

# Subsetting base PAM according to selections
sub_pam_all <- subset_PAM(b_pam, m_selection, selection_type = "all")

# Calculating dissimilarities
DI_sel <- selected_sites_DI(sub_pam_all)
#> Running analysis...
#> Random selection
#> 	One or more sites were excluded due to lack of species data:
#> 	Site_15
#> G selection
#> 	One or more sites were excluded due to lack of species data:
#> 	Site_4, Site_10, Site_19, Site_20
#> E selection
#> Summary of all selections