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Prepares a presence-absence matrix (PAM) in which all sites of interest (rows) will have a value for presence or absence of a species of interest (columns). Initial points of interest will be represented by an ID, and longitude and latitude coordinates. The PAM will be linked to a spatial grid.


prepare_base_PAM(data, format = NULL, master_matrix = NULL, region = NULL,
                 cell_size, complete_cover = TRUE, clip_grid = FALSE,
                 indices = "basic", parallel = FALSE, n_cores = NULL,
                 verbose = TRUE)



species geographic ranges to be used to create a presence-absence matrix (PAM). This argument can be: character, data.frame, SpatRaster, list, or SpatVector. See details for a description of the characteristics of data for each option.


(character) if data is of class character, available options are: "shp", "gpkg", "GTiff", and "ascii".


object of class "master_matrix" or "master_selection". See details. Default = NULL. Either this argument or region must be defined.


SpatVector of the region of interest; for instance, a country, another type of administrative are, or a protected area. Default = NULL. Either this argument or master_matrix must be defined. Ignored if master_matrix is defined.


(numeric) resolution for grid (single number or vector of two numbers) in kilometers (km).


(logical) whether or not to include cells of grid partially overlapped with the geographic region of interest contained in master_matrix. Default = TRUE.


(logical) whether to clip the spatial grid using the region of interest. Clipping improves visualization but depending on how complex the region of interest is it could take time to perform this task.


(character) code for indices to be calculated. Basic indices are calculated all the time, other indices need to be specified. Options are: "all", "basic, "AB", "BW", "BL", "SCSC", "SCSR", "DF", "DivF", "CC", "WRN", "SRC", "CMSC", and "CMSR". Default = "basic". See details.


(logical) whether to perform analyses in parallel. Default = FALSE. Not used if data is of class data.frame, or SpatRaster.


(numeric) number of cores to be used when parallel = TRUE. The default, NULL, uses available cores - 1.


(logical) whether or not to print messages about the process. Default = TRUE.


A presence-absence matrix (PAM) of class base_PAM for the region of interest associated with a SpatVector, as in a grid of cell_size resolution. Each grid cell is related to a specific ID and longitude and latitude coordinates. Presence (1) and absence (0) values for each species in every cell of the PAM are included as apart of the data.frame of the SpatVector. PAM indices is returned with the basic indices of biodiversity as default, but can be changed using the argument indices.


Objects of class "master_matrix" or "master_selection" can be obtained from functions prepare_master_matrix, random_selection, uniformG_selection, uniformE_selection, or uniformEG_selection. The element region or mask if this last is not NULL is used to prepare the spatial grid.

Geographic projection of objects or coordinates involved must be WGS84 (EPSG:4326).

Description of objects to be used as data:

  • character.- name of directory containing raster, shapefiles or geopackage files representing species geographic ranges. Each file must be named as the species that it represents. All files must be in the same format. If files are in raster format, "GTiff" and "ascii" are acceptable extensions; values in each layer must be 1 (presence) and 0 (absence).

  • data.frame.- a table containing three columns. Columns must be in the following order: Longitude, Latitude, Species.

  • SpatRaster.- Each layer must be named as the species which range it represents, and values in each layer must be 1 (presence) and 0 (absence).

  • list.- a list of SpatRaster objects that cannot be stacked because of extent or resolution differences. Each element of the list must be named as the species which range it represents, and values in each SpatRaster must be 1 (presence, suitable) and 0 (absence, unsuitable).

  • SpatVector.- object representing species' geographic ranges. The data.frame associated with the object must contain a column named "Species" to distinguish among features representing each species range.

  • SpatVector.- object of spatial points where each record of a species must be a point. The associated data.frame must contain the following columns (in that order): Longitude, Latitude, Species.

A list of codes and indices that can be calculated is described below. For further details on the way calculations are performed and the meaning of the indices see Soberon and Cavner (2015) doi:10.17161/bi.v10i0.4801 .

RINRichness normalizedBasic
RANRange normalizedBasic
ABAdditive BetaNeeds to be defined
BWBeta WhittakerNeeds to be defined
BLBeta LegendreNeeds to be defined and DF
SCSCSchluter covariance sites-compositionNeeds to be defined and CMSC
SCSRSchluter covariance species-rangesNeeds to be defined and CMSR
DFDispersion fieldNeeds to be defined
DivFDiversity fieldNeeds to be defined
SCCShared community compositionNeeds to be defined
WRNWright-Reeves nestednessNeeds to be defined, BW, and DF
SRCStone-Roberts C-scoreNeeds to be defined and DF
CMSCCovariance matrix sites-compositionNeeds to be defined, DF, and BW
CMSRCovariance matrix species-rangesNeeds to be defined, SCC, and BW
MCCMean composition covarianceCalculated with CMSC
MRCMean range covarianceCalculated with CMSR

See also


# Data
m_matrix <- read_master(system.file("extdata/m_matrix.rds",
                                    package = "biosurvey"))
species_data <- terra::vect(system.file("extdata/species_data.gpkg",
                                        package = "biosurvey"))

# Create base_PAM
b_pam <- prepare_base_PAM(data = species_data, master_matrix = m_matrix,
                          cell_size = 100)
#> Preparing spatial grid
#> Preprocessing 'data'
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |===                                                                   |   4%
  |======                                                                |   8%
  |=========                                                             |  12%
  |============                                                          |  17%
  |===============                                                       |  21%
  |==================                                                    |  25%
  |====================                                                  |  29%
  |=======================                                               |  33%
  |==========================                                            |  38%
  |=============================                                         |  42%
  |================================                                      |  46%
  |===================================                                   |  50%
  |======================================                                |  54%
  |=========================================                             |  58%
  |============================================                          |  62%
  |===============================================                       |  67%
  |==================================================                    |  71%
  |====================================================                  |  75%
  |=======================================================               |  79%
  |==========================================================            |  83%
  |=============================================================         |  88%
  |================================================================      |  92%
  |===================================================================   |  96%
  |======================================================================| 100%
#> Preparing PAM from information
#> Calculating PAM indices

#>                       Summary of a base_PAM object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Presence-absence matrix:
#>   Number of cells:    266
#>   Number of species:  25
#> Spatial object representing the PAM:
#>  class       : SpatVector 
#>  geometry    : polygons 
#>  dimensions  : 266, 28  (geometries, attributes)
#>  extent      : -117.9082, -86.02088, 14.59585, 32.95524  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#>  coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 
#>  names       :    ID Longitude Latitude Species_1 Species_2 Species_3 Species_4
#>  type        : <num>     <num>    <num>     <num>     <num>     <num>     <num>
#>  values      :     5    -114.5    32.47         0         0         0         0
#>                    6    -113.6    32.47         0         0         0         0
#>                    7    -112.6    32.47         0         0         0         0
#>  Species_5 Species_6 Species_7 (and 18 more)
#>      <num>     <num>     <num>              
#>          0         0         0              
#>          0         0         0              
#>          0         0         0